Sunday, August 29, 2010

I haven't contributed to this blog in a while because I've been doing stupid uni work which often involves blogs because, for some stupid reason, they think blogs are an appropriate way of communicating to others. HA! As if!

So I thought I'd prove the old University lecturers wrong by gauging just how appropriate this method of communication is if it's conducted in a language thoroughly foreign in every way to the intended audience. So here goes:

Ek het gedink ek sou die res van my blog in Afrikaans te skryf, want dit is 'n snaakse mutaton van die Nederlandse en iets soos Zoeloe of' n shit. Dit klink so cool as jy dit hoor Ek het eintlik gepraat en geniet die luister na Suid-Afrikaners praat, want die aksent is snaaks. Tensy dit is die rugby of krieket. En ek haat dit, want dit is net so bevooroordeeld! Wow wat 'n wonderlike woord: bevooroordeeld.

Dit moet die beste doen vir nou, die Afrikanns begin om my te raak! Sterkte dit vertaal, losers!

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