Monday, July 12, 2010

Interview with the Vampire (The Count from Sesame Street)

One of my loyal followers and cousin, Chris told me the other day of an interview he conducted with himself on his own blog. This gave me a much less interesting, less original and far less glamorous idea to conduct interviews with other celebrities on my blog. Because this was Chris' idea (patent pending - I can still steal it), I plan on only doing one every month or so.

To start with, I got in contact with a very popular Sesame Street character, The Count. A likeable fellow with a quirky sense of humour, delivered in a thick Romanian accent, The Count proved quite the challenge to interview, as you'll learn frustratingly.

Matt: Count, if that is your real name, it's great to have you on my blog today, thanks for joining us.
Count: Ahh yes, in fact my name is Count Robert Von Trapp ... that's VUN-TWO! TWO Ps!!
Matt: Hmm yes, quite. So how have you been and how is life on Sesame Street? What are you doing with yourself these days?
Count: Well, you know just taking it easy in my old age...I've just celebrated my 56th Birthday ... that's VUN-TWO-THREE-FOU...-
Matt: 56, yes that's ok we don't need the whole shebang. 56, that's a good age, are you healthy?
Count: Yes, yes very healthy. I've gotten used to the pollution on Sesame Street. And I've gotten into running now too.
Matt: Well that's great to hear. So tell me, your job on Sesame Street has been for years just to count various things, does that ever get tiring or boring?
Count: It gets tiring but never boring. I believe God put me on this Earth to do one thing and one thing only, and that is to count.
Matt: Try and keep the religious references to a minimum there, Bob, cheers. Well that sounds good, how do you keep getting up day after day though? What keeps you motivated?
Count: Well Matt it's really quite simple. I have three beautiful children. That's VUN-TW-
Matt: Ah you've been warned about that..
Count: Sorry, sorry yes. I have three children and they are just fantastic. They keep me going. When I am doing my thing counting on The Street, I think of my woman and the little ones.
Matt: "The Street"? Is that the 'hip' name for Sesame Street?
Count: Yes it is. Anyone who works or lives there refers to it as The Street, it's fairly common.
Matt: Ok then. You mentioned the little ones, and you're now 56, did you start late? Or did you adopt or something?
Count: Well we happened to adopt yes, is that entirely relevant?
Matt: Just a point of interest, sorry. Where to now for The Count, though? What are your plans for the next 56 years?
Count: I intend to retire and move to the country before too long, buy a farm in Iowa or something like that. I have a fair bit of super saved up and I just want to be somewhere where I can count in peace.
Matt: Count in peace? Will you ever give up the counting gig?
Count: No I don't think so. I'm only good at three things: cooking; farming and counting. THAT'S THREE!! THREE THI-
Matt: Count, thankyou for your time.


  1. Clever interview. Nice choice of characters.
    That cousin of yours sounds like quite a bloke. I'd probably go as far as saying he's the GREATEST bloke. Few could argue.

  2. It would be foolish of me to disagree with that statement.
