Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dry July Day 1!

Well, that wasn't too bad.

I got through the first day of Dry July without a hitch or a beer. Now I don't want you to get the impression that I struggle to go a day without a beer, because that's almost 60% untrue. But what is noticable is that when I tell myself I can't drink, it makes me want it more and I feel sorry for myself because I'm missing out. When in reality, I probably wouldn't drink tonight anyway! What does suck, I have Gary's party coming up on the 10th and where is it? King's Cross of all places. The only suburb in the whole goddam city where you have to be >0.14 BAC to have a good time. Just being in the presence of Gary, Jono, Scott and friends will be enough to carry me through the night though I hope. If not, I'll start looking for new friends.

The biggest test of my enforced sobriety will be tomorrow night when the folks head to the Lappo. Jono probably won't drink because he's driving and he feels it affects his judgment or some crap. Gary on the other hand should have a few in my honour. I practically insist. Although I'm still not entirely sure I'll go.

After Friday, there should be a fairly untempting week ahead of me where I can prepare myself for the 10th by looking up numerous pub trivia facts in order to present them to my inebriated buddies for my sheer amusement. One such fact is that the Denver Broncos have scored at least one point in 377 consecutive home games dating back to 1960. Gary and Jono particularly liked this one when I told them today. I'll bombard them with a stack of useless info from the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, MLS, NCAA, WNBA, Lingerie Football League and other professional American sports leagues. Maybe I'll just tell them all the sports leagues.

I'm also thinking if I'm headed to the Cross on the 10th, I might try and find John Ibrahim and catch up for a chat. He rarely drinks, so we might find common ground as being the only two people in the Cross who are not completely trashed beyond recognition. Or I'll just belt him one in the jaw. I'll throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. Better not throw shit at old 'Teflon John' though, nothing sticks to him and he'll likely get a little touchy about having shit thrown at him, he'll throw some back at me and then the shit will hit the 'fan'...took a little longer to get to that punchline than I budgeted for..

That's all from me for this post, on Day 1 of the Dry July campaign. I'll try and keep a daily record of how the spell is going just for your sick amusement.

Until next time, here's to you, kid.

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